

Welcome to the Knights Templar Summer School's Blog. Gifted and Talented pupils from primary schools in the area have been given the opportunity to explore their skills in Sport, Performing Arts and Media. Throughout this experience, the children have learnt a variety of skills which have been designed to help them build on their knowlege and prepare them for secondary school.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Emily Ellis

My Summer School Diary:
Saturday: My first day at summer school
When we got to KTS, I was excited. We went to the old gym and got into our forms. After that we split off and played some basketball. I had fun and got a lot of baskets. Then we went on the field and played some rugby it was complicated. J
We went to Ridelins, we did long jump, high jump and sprint my group also did javelin throw, my javelin landed 16meters away. Then after lunch we played wheelchair basketball, it was fun.
We went swimming at Letchworth pool. It was tiring! Then we did our gym routine for a little while then after that we played some dodge ball my team won! Then we did cycling our instructor didn’t come so we just cycled around.
We first did football, girls had a match and boys had a match. Then we did gym to rehearse our show we also had a quick game of dodge ball at the end. After media we did tae kwon do.  It was ok.
We had a double session of athletics we had a competition, I came last. After that we did fitness gym it was tiring.
We did skiing and tobogganing then we did badminton I loved it! J
We did tennis I won by myself two times. Then we did cricket then we did a double session of trampolineingJ
We just rehearsed for the show then we had the show it went great
By Emily Ellis
Thanks for reading my diary