

Welcome to the Knights Templar Summer School's Blog. Gifted and Talented pupils from primary schools in the area have been given the opportunity to explore their skills in Sport, Performing Arts and Media. Throughout this experience, the children have learnt a variety of skills which have been designed to help them build on their knowlege and prepare them for secondary school.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Natasha Adams

My Summer School Diary:
SaturdayToday was my first day at summer school. It is so much fun. I’ve made a lot of new friends and played some really fun games; ‘I love you’; ‘waking the dead’; and ‘wink murder’.  We also made up a few dances. I think we will be working on them more throughout the week, so I’m looking forward to that. We had our first media lesson today. It was a lot of fun because we only played games to get to know Miss Stevens and the rest of our class for the week. I am really looking forward to the rest of the week, because I know that it will be just as fun as today.
Today we worked on our Olympic dance and added in a few more moves. It was a lot of fun, just like yesterday. I can’t wait until we perform the dances in front of our audience, although I really don’t want to have to leave summer school. We also had a look at seven key things to use in advertisements with Miss Stevens in our media session. It was a lot of fun. I hope the rest of the week will be just like this.
Today we read a script called Ernie’s Incredible Illucinations. We then wrote our own scripts along the lines of Ernie, but they had to have an Olympic theme.  All of our scripts were brilliant (says our drama teacher) but Zack’s was the best, so we will be performing Zack’s play. Mrs Cowen and Zack were in charge of casting and I got the part of Bob Hail, the commentator. I am really looking forward to the final performance, because I can’t wait to share everything we’ve done with our audience.
Today, we were singing numbers from musicals like ‘Hairspray’ and ‘Oliver’. We are singing ‘Good Morning Baltimore’ from ‘Hairspray’ and ‘Be Back Soon’ from Oliver’. I can’t wait until we perform these on the final day. My favourite song was ‘Good Morning Baltimore’ because we had a lot of laughs while we were singing it and we also sounded fabulous singing it! I hope we get to sing it again sometime in the week.
Today, I had lots of fun dancing with Sixth Formers. Three Sixth Formers performed a dance to us. The theme of the dance was war, and we figured that out by watching their hand gestures. The three dancers taught us the dance and how to use techniques such as hand gestures, cannon, unison and contrast. They then taught us the dance so we could perform it together. My group was with Callum, when he was teaching us the dance. At the end of the day, at the award ceremony, one group was awarded stars for being the best at the dance.
Today we worked on our numbers from musicals again. Unfortunately, today was our last day practising with Miss Wadsworth. I felt that we were much better with our number, ‘Good Morning Baltimore’ because we were all much more energetic and lively today. After break, we worked on our Ernie/Will play. We also had a go at still images and “Do’s and Don’ts”. Our Olympic game for still images was hurdles. Today in Media, we were continuing on our posters and picking songs for our advertisement for Knights Templar Summer School. I can’t wait until they go on our blog, because it will look incredible.
Friday and Saturday
 Unfortunately I wasn’t here for these days because I was too ill to come in.
Today is my last day at summer school. This morning we practised our dances, songs and plays. I will really miss some of the friends I’ve made. The best bit of today was when we performed to the audience everything we did this week. They really enjoyed it. The sports performance was brilliant too. I will really miss summer school.
Thank you to every one who helped make this week so much fun.
Thank you for reading my diary.