

Welcome to the Knights Templar Summer School's Blog. Gifted and Talented pupils from primary schools in the area have been given the opportunity to explore their skills in Sport, Performing Arts and Media. Throughout this experience, the children have learnt a variety of skills which have been designed to help them build on their knowlege and prepare them for secondary school.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Rhiannon Fleming

My Diary
Saturday: My first day at summer school
My first thoughts of summer school were postive.when we arrived we got in to our new houses for the week, I’m in Hancock. After break we played basketball which I toughly enjoyedJI got a couple of baskets. Rugby wasn’t amazing because I don’t really like it.
When I arrived this morning I was quite tired but after a couple of minutes of volley ball I was properly awake. After my harvest chewy we did gymnastics which is probably my favourite activity so far. We had a trampet and a pomel horse and we had to jump/dive over on t0 a big red mat with our arms above our head and do a forward roll. After lunch we played rounders we did some exercises to improve our bowling and bating. We split in to two teams; I was with Mr Mitchell and Miss Henderson’s team won with a little bit of cheating (only by half a rounder!)
We arrived at the drama studio and set off for ridlins stadium in Stevenage. My group started with running me and Aggie raced but she won by a little bit. I did 100m in 17 and a half secondsJ.After lunch we played wheel chair basketball which was really fun!
We started the day by going to Letchworth leisure centre and swum for an hour and a half. After a well deserved break we played dodge ball. I was on Mr Mitchell’s team and we won 1 game and lost the other (I think) Jafter lunch we had media. An hour later we had a cycling session unforntuly the teacher cancelled so we went behind the astro turfed football pitch. WE just cycled were we wanted to.
The day started with football on the astro turfed pitch at the end we had a little game and yvie kicked the ball trying to score but instead it came at me at full pelt and a got a nose bleed. Break went quickly and we did gymnastics for the show unforntuly I won’t be here. Luckily we played dodge ball. After lunch we had tae kwon do the teacher was horrible!
We went back to the athletics stadium and had a competion I was n a group with Gracie, Emily, hope, aggie and me!!I won the long distance (400m), I came a very close 2 in the 100m sprint, I came last in the high jump but I don’t really care!!And 1st in the long jump. Lunch went quickly as usual we had fitness gym it was really tiring
Skiing started the day at was really fun but my feet really hurt by the end!:JAfter lunch we had bambation which was fun..