

Welcome to the Knights Templar Summer School's Blog. Gifted and Talented pupils from primary schools in the area have been given the opportunity to explore their skills in Sport, Performing Arts and Media. Throughout this experience, the children have learnt a variety of skills which have been designed to help them build on their knowlege and prepare them for secondary school.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Louise Sheldrick

My Summer School Diary:
Saturday: My first day at summer school, my favourite thing I did was media because it was nice to have a change from dance. We had to do a questionnaire, I found that really fun! I also did really enjoy dance too but media was my favourite!
Sunday: We learnt another dance to do with the Olympics and we did media after lunch as well!
Monday: In the morning we carried on the dance that we were doing yesterday. After we had drama, we had lunch then we did media and we watched some adverts!
Tuesday: In the morning on Tuesday we did musical theatre, it was really fun. After we had a break and then went back to do some more! After lunch we did media and we went on the computer to type up some of our diaries and create advertisements!
Wednesday: In the morning Miss Ward said to us lie down on the floor and shut your eyes. We listened to some music and we had to do a dance to the music.
Thursday: In the morning Miss Wadsworth came in and we went over the songs we are doing. Then we did some more dancing.
Friday: On Friday all we did really was dance and go over all our dances for the show. In media we created an article for a newspaper.
Saturday: We just practice for the show.
Thank you and goodbye hope you have a great summer holiday holiday!!!!!!:)
By Louise Sheldrick