My Summer School Diary:
Saturday: My first day at summer school was very fun. I liked all the drama games.
Sunday: I enjoyed doing dancing although I found it quite difficult. It was fun and I can’t wait to come back tomorrow.
Monday: I liked doing drama games and reading through our scripts, I’m quite sad I’m going home early today.
Tuesday: This morning I enjoyed learning songs and actions to them. I can’t wait until we perform them.
Wednesday: I liked doing dance and watching other people dance. It’s interesting to watch other people dance.
Thursday: We practiced our two songs we are performing on Sunday. Also we practiced the routine to them.
Friday: We went through all the drama we are doing in the show. At the end of the day I won a medal.
Saturday: In the morning we did dance it was cool. Then we did drama.
Sunday: We have been going through all the things for the performance. I’m quite nervous I hope it goes well.