

Welcome to the Knights Templar Summer School's Blog. Gifted and Talented pupils from primary schools in the area have been given the opportunity to explore their skills in Sport, Performing Arts and Media. Throughout this experience, the children have learnt a variety of skills which have been designed to help them build on their knowlege and prepare them for secondary school.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Charlotte Stephens-King

My Diary
I liked today because we did some really fun drama games-such as waking the dead, where I was the one that got scared.
Today I liked learning a new dance to a song called chariots of fire and I have made some new friends.
I enjoyed today because we had to write our own scripts based on a book called Ernie’s incredible illusions. We found out whose script we were going to perform, and my groups came 2nd. I am very pleased. I also got a main part in the play that was chosen.
I liked learning new songs and knowing that people liked my voice. I really enjoyed the singing because I have a very talented singing voice.
I liked today because I liked the dancing competition.
Today Miss Wadsworth came in again today to rehearse our singing for Sunday.
Thanks for reading this, have a good summer.